Rennae is a proficient spiritual Consultant and natural Channel. Her intuitive gifts include clairaudience, clairvoyance and psychometry. During her consultations, Rennae draws upon her personal blend of extrasensory abilities and mediumship to engage her client’s energy, derive and convey insightful information, as well as bridge the spirit and angelic realms. Rennae’s simultaneous occupation of three different vibrational planes encourages an optimal sacred space for her sessions while equally enhancing her reception of messages. Throughout a consultation, Rennae receives and connects to the energetic presence of a client’s transitioned loved one, angel, totem and/or guide. Rennae shares her intuited impressions and communicates directly what she perceives from spirit while the client simultaneously obtains information on a subconscious level. This information will often filter through and present itself later for additional guidance and/or clarity. Following the intuitive portion of the reading, the client is invited to ask questions which will be relayed to spirit and answered. Rennae concludes her consultations by providing her client with a special angelic message selected from a spiritually guided, specifically chosen deck of oracle cards.